Sunday, June 8, 2008

Growing Our Dance Community

I just returned from the Bay Area, where we celebrated Michael's birthday at 2 Left Feet and the Alegra Ballroom for the Next Gen monthly dance. Granted, it's the big city. But I have to admit, I very much admire the enthusiasm and diversity of the dance community.

We enjoyed dancing with all levels of dancers - and a variety of music. We played, we led, we followed, we goofed off, we learned (yes I've made progress on the elusive attitude turn).

Michael and I are fortunate to attend lots of swing dance events which has allowed us to grow our dancing skills. There's nothing like LOTS of floor time with LOTS of different people to fast track dancing abilities. (And to make us painfully aware of our limitations.)

A few of us dancers recently have been outreaching WCS to different audiences (high schools and cal poly), in hope of growing our community. And as you probably know, I've been spending a lot of time researching and posting various dance opportunities around the area. I'm hopeful that will help us to get out and social dance a bit more.

But what else should we do? I'd love to hear your thoughts.... All in the spirit of fabulous dancing opportunities right here on the Central Coast.


Bigbanana1337 said...


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the weekend with Luis Crespo. His approach to music and how it relates to dance is freeing for both leaders and followers. There may be a few souls who boogie when no music is playing, but for most of us, it's the music that fires our creative side -- and not the execution of complicated patterns. So, Kris, who's coming up next?

Kris said...

Thanks for the great feedback! It has been very satisfying to bring in some pros from outside of the area to get us "out of the box" a bit with our dancing. And it has been great to bring together a variety of dancers! In the future? Heck.... Mana and Miguel... Josh Clark... Sean and Tori.. Who knows? I'm thinking Fall though for a rough ETA.